Koen van den Broek Belgium, b. 1973
Belgian painter Koen van den Broek has garnered international recognition for his unique style bordering between figurative and abstract art. In his work, he explores the geometrical spaces of modern society through roads, or traffic structures, using his distinctive technique to navigate between reality and metaphor.
Before completing his master's degree in painting, van den Broek studied architecture, where he cultivated a practice of examining the shapes of road signs, parking structures, grid-patterned sidewalks, bridges, and urban boundaries. His approach of 'pure observation' focuses on these structures not to emphasize their functionality, but to highlight their colors, geometric elements, and distinct individuality. By observing often overlooked or forgotten building facades and landscapes, van den Broek has developed a unique visual language. When transferring these images to canvas and infusing them with abstraction, he continuously deconstructs and reinterprets the scenes, pushing them toward semi-abstraction.
After two decades of artistic exploration with oil paints, he began incorporating everyday materials like traffic paint and tar into his artwork since 2023. This shift allows viewers to appreciate his more disciplined approach to the formal elements he has developed over the years, as well as his ongoing journey to explore new creative techniques. Being combined with his visual sensibility and original analysis, the landscapes not only create a new dimension of elevated sensitivity but provide the higher level of an uplifting idyllic experience difficult to come across within the recent environments of contemporary art.
Koen van den Broek lives and works in Antwerp, Belgium. He received a BA in Architect in Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and studied painting in St. Joost School of Art & Design, Breda, Royal Academy of Fine Arts, and Higher Institute of Fine Arts in Belgium. His solo exhibition has been held in major museums in Europe, including the Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp (2024), Ludwig Museum (2024), Kunstmuseum Magdeburg (2023), Weserburg-Museum of Modern Art (2016), S.M.A.K. the Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art in Ghent (2010), Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens (2005; 2009), Bonnefantenmuseum (2008). His work is represented in the collections of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art in the USA; S.M.A.K., Museum of Modern Art Antwerp, Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens in Belgium; Astrup Fearnley Museet in Norway; and Leeum Museum of Art, Busan Museum of Art in Korea.
Before completing his master's degree in painting, van den Broek studied architecture, where he cultivated a practice of examining the shapes of road signs, parking structures, grid-patterned sidewalks, bridges, and urban boundaries. His approach of 'pure observation' focuses on these structures not to emphasize their functionality, but to highlight their colors, geometric elements, and distinct individuality. By observing often overlooked or forgotten building facades and landscapes, van den Broek has developed a unique visual language. When transferring these images to canvas and infusing them with abstraction, he continuously deconstructs and reinterprets the scenes, pushing them toward semi-abstraction.
After two decades of artistic exploration with oil paints, he began incorporating everyday materials like traffic paint and tar into his artwork since 2023. This shift allows viewers to appreciate his more disciplined approach to the formal elements he has developed over the years, as well as his ongoing journey to explore new creative techniques. Being combined with his visual sensibility and original analysis, the landscapes not only create a new dimension of elevated sensitivity but provide the higher level of an uplifting idyllic experience difficult to come across within the recent environments of contemporary art.
Koen van den Broek lives and works in Antwerp, Belgium. He received a BA in Architect in Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and studied painting in St. Joost School of Art & Design, Breda, Royal Academy of Fine Arts, and Higher Institute of Fine Arts in Belgium. His solo exhibition has been held in major museums in Europe, including the Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp (2024), Ludwig Museum (2024), Kunstmuseum Magdeburg (2023), Weserburg-Museum of Modern Art (2016), S.M.A.K. the Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art in Ghent (2010), Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens (2005; 2009), Bonnefantenmuseum (2008). His work is represented in the collections of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art in the USA; S.M.A.K., Museum of Modern Art Antwerp, Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens in Belgium; Astrup Fearnley Museet in Norway; and Leeum Museum of Art, Busan Museum of Art in Korea.
Koen van den BroekSummer , 2025
Koen van den BroekSpace , 2025
Koen van den BroekMountains, 2024
Koen van den BroekBacon, 2023
Koen van den BroekNorth Robertson Boulevard #3, 2013
Koen van den BroekLos Robles Ave, 2013
Koen van den BroekMadonna #2, 2014
Koen van den BroekOcean front walk, 2013
Koen van den BroekViaduct #2, 2015
Koen van den BroekCandy Cane, 2015
Koen van den BroekNight Shadows, 2015
Koen van den BroekMuseum Drive, 2018
Koen van den Broek#190, Ranger Station, 2021
Koen van den Broek
Freedom of Shadows 27 February - 29 March 2025 -
Brilliant Cut
Heeseung Chung, Koen van den Broek, Liam Gillick, Andrew Sim, Tony Swain, Mitsuko Miwa, Charlotte Posenenske, Jimok Choi 12 July - 12 August 2023Gallery Baton is pleased to announce Brilliant Cut , the exhibition of works by 8 Korean and International artists: Heeseung Chung, Liam Gillick, Koen van den Broek, Andrew Sim, Tony...Read more -
Koen van den Broek
In Between Memory and Dream 21 April - 28 May 2021Gallery Baton is pleased to announce In Between Memory and Dream, a solo exhibition by Koen van den Broek b. 1973, from 21st April to 28th May in Hannam-dong, Seoul. Koen van den Broek has established his current growing presence by developing his own style crossing the boundary of the figurative and abstract, as one of the leading artists from Belgium, a historically significant repository of paintings over centuries and a pivotal place of the European contemporary art.Read more -
Koen van den Broek
A Glowing Day 20 March - 4 May 2018Gallery Baton is pleased to announce Koen van den Broek’s solo exhibition, 'A Glowing Day', on view from March 20th to May 4th in Apgujeong, Seoul. The exhibition unveils new paintings by the internationally renown artist, works that readily traverse—or question—the boundaries between abstract and figurative art.Read more -
Prelude / Subversion
Rodney Graham, David Diao, Koen van den Broek, Je Yeo Ran, Oh You Kyeong 18 October - 19 November 2016갤러리바톤은 5인전 “전조와 전복(Prelude/Subversion)”을 10월 18일부터 11월 19일까지 압구정동 전시공간에서 개최한다. 롤랑 바르트가 그의 에세이 “저자의 죽음 (1968)"에서 주창하였듯이 "작품의 창조"라는 개념은 사전적인 의미를 따르기 보다는 조금 더 포용적으로 해석될 수 있는데, 이는 한 작품의 창조에는 필연적으로 작가가 속한 사회, 예술가간의 교류, 미술사조, 개념, 기법 등 작품의 모티브 또는 영향을 미친 요소들이 결부되기 때문이다. 이번 전시에서는 이러한 요소를 ‘전조’로 설정하고, 그것의 기본적인 속성을 따르면서도 자신만의 관점과 방식으로 차용하고 ‘전복’해 독창적인 작품세계를 창조한 작가를 한 자리에 모은다. 다양한 국적의 다섯 예술가, 로드니 그레이엄(Rodney Graham, b. 1949) 데이비드 디아오(David Diao, b. 1943), 쿤 반 덴 브룩(Koen van den Broek, b. 1973), 제여란(Je Yeo Ran, b. 1961), 오유경(Oh You Kyeong, b. 1979)이 참여해 모방과 창조의 중간 지점에 존재하는 세계를 만들어낸다.Read more -
Koen van den Broek
Sign Waves 27 August - 8 October 2015Gallery Baton is pleased to present the third solo show “Sign Waves” by Koen van den Broek(b. 1973), a painter who has built up a solid presence in Europe and has gained a global reputation. The title of the exhibition “Sign Waves” is the main subject embracing a wide spectrum of his paintings. It is a notion which the artist has had in mind while he produces the paintings and is also a signpost directly and ideologically connected to each piece of work.Read more -
Koen van den Broek
Zylon 13 December 2013 - 29 January 2014Gallery Baton is pleased to announce " ZYLON", the second solo exhibition of Koen van den Broek (b.1973) at the new exhibition space in Apgujeong(Gangnam, Seoul) from December 13th to January 29th, 2014. "From the East to the West and Back" was exhibited in the spring of 2011 at Gallery Baton, and it was the artist's first solo exhibit in Asia, in which the artist showed Street Motived Painting known as his trademark. Following the artist's previous exhibit, "ZYLON" presents the artist's new works that have more abstractness in quality. This opening exhibit of Gallery Baton's new exhibition space in Apgujeong will present a great opportunity for the art lovers to experience major European contemporary paintings.Read more -
Belgium Contemporary Now
Koen van den Broek, Cindy Wright, Patrick Van den Eynde, Guy Van Bossche, Stef Driesen 18 October - 20 November 2012갤러리바톤(서울 서초동)은 미술사에 뚜렷한 존재감을 드러내며 서구 미술계를 리드해 온 벨기에 미술의 현재를 조명하고자 Belgium Contemporary Now전을 10월 18일부터 11월 20일까지 개최한다.Read more -
Koen van den Broek
From the East to the West and Back 30 March - 19 May 2012갤러리바톤은 국제적인 인지도와 함께 평단의 주목을 받고 있는 벨기에 작 가 코엔 반 덴 브룩(Koen Van Den Broek, b. 1973)의 개인전(From the East to the West and Back)을 개최한다. 특히, 이번 전시는 20대 후반부터 세계 최고의 갤러리 중 하나인 White Cube에 합류하여 3차례의 개인전을 통해 화려하게 데뷔하였고, SFMOMA에서의 그룹전, 현대미술의 거장인 존 발데사리(John Baldessari, b. 1931)과 공동 작품 제작 및 단독전을 갖는 등 유럽 및 미국을 거점으로 활발히 전시활동을 해오던 작가의 아시아 최초 개인전이라는 점에서 그 의의가 크다고 할 수 있다.Read more
Koen van den Broek
Eloquent Formalism | Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens 17 November 2024Gallery Baton is pleased to announce Koen van den Broek participate to a Group Exhibition, 'Eloquent Formalism ' Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens Koen van den Broek Eloquent...Read more -
Koen van den Broek
What’s The Story? at Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 4 July 2024Gallery Baton is pleased to announce Koen van den Broek participate to a Group Exhibition, What’s The Story? at Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp,...Read more -
Koen van den Broek
Of(f) Road at Kunstmuseum Magdeburg 15 October 2023Gallery Baton is pleased to announce Koen van den Broek participates to a Solo exhibition, Of(f) Road at at Kunstmuseum Magdeburg, Germany. Koen van den...Read more -
Koen van den Broek
Motel Corona at S.M.A.K. 27 May 2023Gallery Baton is pleased to announce Koen van den Broek participates to a Group exhibition , Motel Corona at S.M.A.K., Belgium. Koen van den Broek...Read more -
Koen van den Broek
Plants, Shadows and Models (Mural) at Vandenhove Center for Architecture and Art University Ghent 16 February 2023The monumental wall painting by Koen van den Broek is located at the Vandenhove Center for Architecture and Art in the University Ghent. Plants, Shadow...Read more -
Koen van den Broek
One Day at the Academy at Studio Koen van den Broek 15 December 2022Studio Koen van den Broek presents a group exhibition One Day at the Academy at Koen van den Broek's studio in Antwerp. Koen van den...Read more -
Koen van den Broek
SPACE Symphony at Paradise Art Space 25 October 2022Gallery Baton is pleased to announce Koen van den Broek participates to the group exhibition, SPACE Symphony at Paradise Art Space, Korea. Koen van den...Read more -
Koen van den Broek
Aardenburg Art Festival at the Netherlands 16 July 2022Gallery Baton is pleased to announce that Koen van den Broek participates to Aardenburg Art Festival, Netherlands. Koen van den Broek presents a large-scale installation...Read more -
Liam Gillick, Koen van den Broek
'Project Palace. A Centenary’ at BOZAR 1 April 2022Gallery Baton is pleased to announce Liam Gillick and Koen van den Broek participate to the exhibition, ’Project Palace. A Centenary’, celebrating the 100th anniversary...Read more -
Koen van den Broek
FIAT Lux at Pilar 18 November 2021Gallery Baton is pleased to announce Koen van den Broek participate to a Group Exhibition, FIAT Lux at Pilar, Belgium. Koen van den Broek FIAT...Read more -
Koen van den Broek
'Through Romance' at Lempertz 9 September 2021Gallery Baton is pleased to announce Koen van den Broek participates to a exhibition at Lempertz, Brussels Koen ven den Broek 'Through Romance' 9 September...Read more -
Koen van den Broek, Stef Driesen, Yoon Suk One, Rinus Van de Velde
Participation at Jeonnam International Sumuk Viennale 2021 1 September 2021Gallery Baton is pleased to announce Koen van den Broek, Stef Driesen, Yoon Suk One, Gabriel Acevedo Veralde, Rinus Van de Velde participate to Jeonnam...Read more -
Koen van den Broek
Gifted at S.M.A.K. 26 June 2021Gallery Baton is pleased to announce Koen van den Broek participates to Gifted at S.M.A.K., the Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art Gent, Belgium. Koen van...Read more -
Koen van den Broek
Gifted at S.M.A.K., the Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art Gent 26 June 2021Gallery Baton is pleased to announce Koen van den Broek participates to Gifted at S.M.A.K., the Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art Gent, Belgium. Koen van...Read more -
Koen van den Broek
'Critical work. For life and how we live it' at Staatliche Kunsthalle 30 June 2020The selection of works by Koen van den Broek are presented at Staatliche Kunsthalle with Peter Paul Rubens, Albrecht Dürer, Rembrandt, Giovanni, Picasso and others....Read more -
Koen van den Broek
'Keep It Together' at Galerie Greta Meert 7 November 2019Koen van den Broek is holding a solo exhibition at the Greta Meert Gallery (Brussels). Entitled ‘Keep it Together,’ the exhibition is on view from...Read more -
Koen van den Broek
'INTUITION' at Palazzo Fortuny 13 May 2017To coincide with the 2017 Venice Art Biennale, Palazzo Fortuny is presenting a group exhibition ‘INTUITION’ in Venice, Italy. Our one of represented artists, Koen...Read more -
Koen van den Broek
'PAUL SOCHACKI' at CC Maasmechelen 15 January 2017Koen van den Broek’s collaboration works with Paul Sochacki will be on view at CC Maasmechelen, Belgium. Title of Exhibition : PAUL SOCHACKI - Kijken...Read more -
Koen van den Broek
AZ Sint-Maarten Art Project, Mechelen 1 November 2016Artist, Koen van den Broek(b. 1973) was invited by the Architect of the Flemish Government and AZ Sint-Maarten to create an artwork for the hospital...Read more -
Koen van den Broek
'BEHIND THE CAMERA' at Philipp von Rosen Galerie 3 September 2016Koen van den Broek ‘Behind the Camera’, Philipp von Rosen Galerie, BE (DE) September 3 - October 22 Koen van den Broek's solo exhibition 'Behind...Read more