David O'Kane Ireland, b. 1985
Irish-born artist David O’Kane works across various mediums, including painting, drawing, photography, animation, and film. His work, predominantly figurative in nature, is characterized by a dreamlike quality rendered with a realistic approach. O’Kane captures the borderlines of perception—echoes of dreams, fragments of memories, and narratives—and transforms them into startling scenes. Using an intense color palette and expressive technique, O’Kane’s paintings challenge the static nature of their medium, with figures that seem to enact a role or movement within a broader narrative. By rearranging and displacing these figures in historical contexts and backgrounds, the artist imbues his canvases with narrative depth, while simultaneously foreclosing any clear clues as to how or why the figures arrived there, or how their stories might continue to unfold.
David O’Kane (b.1985, Ireland) lives and works in Berlin, Germany. He studied at the HGB (Academy of Visual Arts) in Leipzig for five years under Neo Rauch (b. 1960), a leading figure of the New Leipzig School (NLS), earning a Meisterschüler degree in 2012. O’Kane has won numerous awards, scholarships and residencies. In 2014, he won the Golden Fleece Award in Dublin, Ireland. He was artist in residence at the Stiftung Starke (Berlin, 2010-2013) and awarded the Derek Hill Foundation Scholarship and Residency at the British School at Rome (2009). In 2008 at the EVA Biennial in Limerick, Ireland he won the open award from the curator, Hou Hanru. His work is represented in the collections of Busan Museum of Art in Korea, the Kuntshalle der Sparkasse in Germany, the Zabludowicz Collection in the UK, the CAP Foundation in Ireland and the Trapaga-Fonalledas Collection in Puerto Rico.
David O'KaneOrangerie, 2022
David O'KaneGloaming, 2024
David O'KaneThe Canvas II, 2024
David O'KaneKyra's World, 2022
David O'KaneThe Past is Another Country, 2022
David O'KaneTrainscape I, 2022
David O'KaneThe Glass Harmonica I - IX, 2016
David O'KaneStage 1, 2014
David O'KaneThe Panopticon Pool - Pi, 2015
David O'KaneBeltany, 2016
David O'KaneLarval Selves I - VI, 2016
David O'KaneCuriosity Cabinet, 2016
David O'KaneThe Thaumatrope II, 2014
David O'KaneThe Zoetrope, 2014
David O'Kane
Symphony of Selves 17 January - 15 February 2025 -
David O'Kane
The Glass Harmonica 1 December 2016 - 7 January 2017갤러리바톤은 데이비드 오케인(David O’Kane, b. 1985)의 개인전Read more를 12월 1일부터 2017년 1월 7일까지 압구정동 전시 공간에서 개최한다. 아일랜드 출신으로 유럽을 무대로 활동하는 데이비드 오케인은 구상회화에 기반을 둔 독창적인 작품 세계로 인정받은 차세대 대형 페인터다. 회화, 사진, 애니메이션, 영화, 드로잉 등 다양한 장르를 넘나들지만, 특히 사실적인 기법으로 그려낸 서사적이고 몽환적인 회화가 그를 대표한다. -
The Liminal Space
Carol Anne McGowan, David O’Kane, Eamon O’Kane 2 July - 1 August 2015Gallery Baton is pleased to present "The Liminal Space", the group exhibition of Ireland painters, from 2st July to 1st August 2015. “The Liminal Space” brings together the artwork of three Irish artists, Carol Anne McGowan (b. 1983), David O’Kane (b. 1985) and Eamon O’Kane (b. 1974). These three artists, work predominantly in the medium of painting. The title of the exhibition refers to the quality of ambiguity or disorientation that can occur in time, space and beings.Read more -
David O'Kane
The Zoetrope—Repetition & Difference 3 June - 12 July 2014Gallery Baton presents "The Zoetrope - Repetition & Difference", the solo exhibition of an Ireland painter, David O'Kane (b.1985), from June 3rd to July 12th in Apgujeong space. Born from an artist's family in Ireland, he finished a bachelor’s degree on art in Dublin and continued his study at the Academy of Visual Arts in Leipzig. For five years, he studied under Neo Rauch (b.1960, German) who has made New Leipzig School (NLS) to receive major art world's attention after the 1990s with his own international reputation as an artist. Despite his young age, he was awarded with Golden Fleece Award, which is a renowned art award in Ireland for young artists, and he has been awarded with many other art awards. He also has had tens of solo and group exhibitions around the world, building a solid foundation to grow in to the next generation of art stars.Read more -
David O'Kane, Shi Xinning, Suk Jong Lee, Sung Yoon Kim, Wen Wu 7 November 2012 - 15 January 2013갤러리바톤에서는 12월 7일 부터 2013년 1월 15일 까지 사실주의 화풍의 신진작가 그룹전, “Divergence展”을 개최한다. 데이비드 오케인 (David O’kane, Irish), 스신닝(Shi Xinning, Chinese), 이석종, 김성윤, 웬우 (Wen Wu, Chinese) 등 다양한 국적의 작가 작품 총 10점이 선보이는 이번 전시는 사실주의적 화풍에 기반을 둔 신진・중진 작가들의 작품을 전시한다.Read more